Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween: Gardner Style

Surprise Party for Jamie

We are having a wonderful weekend. We planned a surprise birthday party for Jamie. It was so fun. Alice loves a party. She was loved on all night. And Jamie was totally surprised! I have been in cahoots with her boyfriend and family for weeks.

Tonight we are going over to the Gardner's for a Halloween Parade. We'll have to try Alice's monster costume on to see if it still fits. I won't be surprised if it doesn't! We have a great back up plan, though--the pumpkin hat that grandmommy knitted for her.

Alice is having a little "nekid time". She just had such a monster blow-out in her diaper that it went out the back, sides and front, and it took 4 baby wipes to clean it up! Needless to say, she is about to have a nice bubbly bath to recover from it. I get happy just thinking about the smell of her sweet baby shampoo and lotioning her fat little legs up afterword. What did I ever used to before I had to clean up my baby's cute little bottom?

Friday, October 24, 2008

How does she do it? The Punkin Love gets cuter every single day! I used to be so worried that she would grow out of her newborn cuteness. Now I am seeing that she just gets more fun. She is smiling and laughing a lot more, and that's totally rewarding. We took her to Maker Faire with my mom last weekend. We were all very inspired. Oh dear, it's fussy time. Better go.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Punkin Love

Grandmommy came to see Alice this weekend! Yes, of course she did knit the precious pumpkin had and the pretty white blanket. She also brought brownies and Hawaiian bread. We had a picnic at the the river today, and tomorrow we are going to Maker Faire. Oh, and as for the title...that is Alice's nickname of the week.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Little Monster

We thought we better get to the pumpkin patch before Alice outgrew her costume. She is just about ready for 3 month sized clothes. Jamie and I had so much fun taking these pictures of her. She was such a great model-she slept the whole time!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Ewok, Squeaker, Pookie, Punkie, Boogie, Sweetpea, Cutie Pie, Punkin, Bumble Bee, Rumble Panties, Pinkie, Chubs, Her Prettiness, Luv Bug, Honey,Precious...

Squeaker is my favorite (today). She is snoozing on my lap and making a satisfying sleepy little squeak with every breath. She is wearing a darling little pair of pink footie pajamas. I love her in her footies--so classic. And so cuddly. How is it that this tiny little thing has the power to completely capture my every thought? What a precious little miracle she is. My sweet little Squeaker.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Alice's Laugh and a Little Coo

I can't believe how cute she is on this video! What a happy girl. She really is my sunshine.

8 weeks

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