Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Little Christmas Elf

Alice has discovered her tongue! She was sticking it out all night last night. I wonder if it is part of teething? She also found out last night how delicious her little toes are while I was trying to put her pajamas.
Today I am taking her in for her 4 month check-up, and shots. Poor baby. Last time I was really worried about her being sick and cranky after her shots, but she wasn't. This time I'm just worried about having to see them poke my poor baby. But hopefully she will be a good little Christmas elf today and let me get a little last minute shopping and wrapping done.
My students at school are so cute--they want Alice to come to the Christmas party. I wish I could think of a way to make that work. One of my sweet girls asked for a picture of Alice for her birthday! How sweet. They always draw pictures for Alice and write "Alice rocks" or "Tell Mrs. Woolery that Alice is cute" on the white board. They have given me a pretty tough homework assignment, too. They want me to get one of Alice's sneezes on video. I told them about how she says "achoo...aaah," and they think that is so cute. I better keep that camera rolling!
Sweet Jamie got Alice this pretty little pink hat with mittens to match. So precious!

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