Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Gift for the Princess of Rock

I was cleaning out the drawers today--packing up all the clothes the little chipmunk has outgrown--and we found this ridiculously adorable "crown". So Alice has been wearing it all day. It makes for an eclectic outfit with the rock-n-roll onesie, but, I think that is a pretty good self expression.
I finally finished the blanket I have been knitting for Alice since last March. I imagined my baby wrapped up in it so many times when I was knitting it while pregnant. It made me so happy when I gave it to her. She snuggled right up in it, and of course, put it right in her mouth. I guess she thinks it's yummy--she is still grabbing and chewing!
Ha! She just reached out for my jeans and tried to eat my leg--what an appetite! Now we are dancing to some good bluegrass music. Jason is helping Chris put in some flooring this weekend, so it's just us girls around. We are having a blast! What next? Oh, she just let me know it's snack time. Gotta buzz--------

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