Saturday, February 7, 2009

25 Things about Alice

1. I can twirl my foot in a circle when I sit in my bumbo seat.

2. I am learning to do “raspberries.”

3. Bird beaks are yummy to me—especially those of Lousie bird and my rubber ducky.

4. Every time I get my diaper changed I like to play with Heffalump—my pink elephant toy that plays a lullaby when mommy and daddy pull his tail.

5. I always smile when my dad plays Bob Dylan and Tom Waits.

6. I am a morning person. Family cuddle time on weekend mornings is my favorite time.

7. Daddy read me the Winnie the Pooh books after I was born, and he used his own special voices.

8. I love it when people admire my sparkly sapphire blue eyes, and my precious chubby cheeks and legs.

9. It cheers me up when I see the prettiest girl in the world in the mirror.

10. Sometimes I wear the same Dallas Cowboys onesie that he wore as a baby.

11. My nickname this week is Peaches. Next week it will probably be Cupcake, Muffin or Valentine.

12. I like to watch football. (Daddy helped me think of that one).

13. I fly off of my changing table and sing the super baby song (which sounds like the theme for the A team) after I get a fresh diaper.

14. I am wearing cupcake pajamas.

15. I can roll over two times in a row.

16. I like to pet Rosie the cat.

17. I have tried 3 foods in my life: milk, bananas, and rice cereal. (Oh, and that little bit of cranberry sauce I licked off Daddy’s finger at Thanksgiving.)

18. My toes are chewy and delicious.

19. I can spot my mommy or daddy across the room.

20. I love bath time. Daddy wrote me a special song that we sing every time I take a bath. It’s called “In the Bath Tub Now.”

21. I have an “angel kiss” on my ear. I’m so special!

22. Sometimes I get really excited when I lay on my back and look at the ceiling.

23. I can toot so big that mommy can’t tell whether it came from me or daddy.

24. I am still deciding if I am going to be a blonde or brunette.

25. My mommy and daddy think I am the cutest, sweetest, chubbiest, funniest, most adorable and precious baby in the world!

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