Sunday, October 4, 2009

Little Rocking Chair

I'm so proud of my baby. Saturday she sat through a writing conference and a haircut. She is walking all over the place now. I love the way she walks: her little bowed legs, the way her hips swing, the ginger way she steps. She is already a multi-tasker, too. She likes to carry around her sippy cup full of milk or a giant blue ball with her. Tonight she even carried around one of the couch cushions for a while. She got mad at it for being too heavy, though, and screamed at it quite a bit.
She likes playing "The Escape of the Naked Peach." That's when we have her all ready and naked waiting to take a bath, and she walks right out of the bathroom and tours the house in her birthday suit. It's quite cute until she pees on the kitchen floor. Actually, I have to admit, she is cute even then.
She is learning to give kisses lately. Sometimes we give each other raspberries on the lips. I kiss her so much on the cheeks she is quite used to it. Today she pressed her cheek right up to my mouth because she's so used to having it there.

Don't you love the little tiny baby rocking chair? Dear Kathy Gorman got that for her. It is a present for the porch of our new house, but we just couldn't wait to put it together. I was so proud that she knew immediately that it was a chair, and she went right to rocking herself in it! She has spent the whole weekend playing on it. I think it makes her feel special to have a chair just her size.

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