Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last Week of One

It’s not natural to sit still that long
We got off to a rough start
You didn’t want to wear clothes
Or shoes
When I stop and think about it I wonder
Why I make you put on your pretty purple dress
Your tiny body so perfect,
Wouldn’t everyone love to see
Your adorable belly button poking out?

The road lulled us into a groove
You read your board books to yourself
Your daddy read Lonesome Dove to me
I steered ever northward over the hills
You learned about tractors

Our time back home was priceless
Laughing and tickling
Rejoicing and eating
Imagining a stolen 3rd birthday
Mourning the last days of summer
Saying goodbye was harder this time

Too soon it was time to wrestle you
Back into your pretty purple dress
And pack you in so safely
You slept well to the hum of the road
Worn out from a week of summer sun
And joyful play

Not natural to sit still that long
The sun high in the sky
Invited us to stretch our legs and fill our bellies
The next tiny dot of a town will do
Across the main street
A gap between two ancient and crumbling buildings
Millions of smooth pebbles carpet the ground
A forgotten gazebo beyond
We let go of your fat little hand

You twirled

You danced and floated in sloppy circles
So much energy trapped in your tiny body
So much happiness in your soul
You savor your last week of summer
Last week of being one.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Good job honey...dang good job! Looks like we've got another writer in the family :-)