Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Summer of Colors

So it seems like I really went on vacation, right? Looks like I've been really chilling out this summer, right? Awesome, right?
Not so much. I don't know how it happened but suddenly summer is over and I don't remember really relaxing at all. All I remember about it is thinking "As soon as I get these chores scratched off my list I'll sit down and relax. As soon as I get this house clean, unpack the boxes in the garage, organize this bookshelf, build this furniture, paint one more room..."
The chores still aren't all done, house hasn't gotten clean all summer, several house projects are still on the list--I haven't yet sat down, and summer is over!
I am happy that for all the hard work I have done this summer that I have something to show for it. Our house is now very colorful, because I painted every room except one! Furthermore, this is the summer of colors because Alice is learning her colors. "Lellow" and "bool" were the first colors she learned. She has become obsessed with rainbows (as a direct result of falling in love with her "Lollipop," aka Wizard of Oz). She loves her colors. One night we noticed a magnificent rainbow that lasted way past bedtime. Alice just couldn't go in and leave "my rainbow." Now she asks for rainbows all the time. The best we can do is sing Dorothy's song for her.
So I've gotten so very behind on telling you all about Alice. And the worst part is that she is getting smarter and funnier and more fun every single day. I'll try my best to get the highlights of the summer up on the blog and remember all the adorable things she has done and said.
But before I can do that, I have to go make some party decorations for Alice's 2nd Wizard of Oz birthday party coming up in just a few days.

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